An eco-friendly and modern al fresco styled shooting inspired by nature in a gascon château

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Gascony, also called « French Tuscany » is rich of thousand of castles. Among them, some jewels appear and open their arms to welcome young and fresh couples looking for a creative and authentic wedding day

Fortunately, Gascony offers also talented suppliers and becomes step by step the place to be for modern weddings inspired by nature and local sourced french gastronomy. With my two fellows, Isasouri, wedding photographer and Julie Andrada, wedding planner from Un Mariage en Gascogne, we've done our best to create a complete inspiration shooting full of real souls and real ideas. From the jewellery to the live show at night, including stunning wine and ice cream food trucks, music live band, wood reception furniture, multicultural outside ceremony, a hand painted photobooth, antique french decoration, country buffet with local delicatessen and incredible breads.... All performed by local talents for a very stylish wedding combined to a very low impact on earth. The luxury beyond the luxury !

More than stunning images of awesome suppliers, this shooting is a real little white book for whoever wants to be married in this part of Gascony, involving 24 responsible suppliers ! Which means as much as ideas for happy brides and grooms. It has been held in the stunning Chateau de Poudenas, which owns the most spectacular inner courtyard of the area, an impressive panoramic terrace and a swimming pool dominating the valley..."

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